Dear Fall Breeeeak,
Thank the good Lord above you are finally here!
So yesterday,
I was too excited over the fact that it's FALL BREAK to do any homework.. so naturally, I did Sydney @ The Daybook's tutorial on her fabulous Bun.
Hello new favorite thing.
It's super easy.. so you should go try it yourself.
and did I mention, I'm in love with my new sequin top from express CLEARANCE. #hollabackgirl
I've been lusting over sequins and their flashy amazing selves for quite some time... and this tank was on clearance this week. Don't ask me twice. ;)
Well ladies, I'm headed down to the coast for GA/FL this weekend. Words can't even begin to describe how excited I am at this given moment. :) :) :)
So I'll catch you on the flip side!!
plus, that's more than enough old school mirror pic'ing for one post.
Peace and Blessings,