Saturday, January 8, 2011

Giveaway Winner!

And The Winner is...

Congratulations Jamie!!
I'll be emailing you soon so you can get your lovely new nail polish set!
A Big Thanks to everyone who entered!!
(I have some more giveaways planned for the future so stay tuned!)


  1. i hope this doesn't sound creepy but seeing your handwriting made me miss seeing your handwriting! haha we used to have fun in marketing when ALL we did was draw pics and write notes! lol

  2. Yay! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

  3. Congrats Jamie!

    ooh! and Leslie, I just gave you the stylish blogger award on my post <3 I'd love to hear 7 more random things about ya! =)

    Enjoy your sunday!!!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons
