Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award!

Today I was given this lovely award
from these 3 ladies:
Thanks girls! This made my weekend!! :)

So now I get to share 7 random facts about myself.. 

1. I've had braces twice, and wear my retainer religiously. Listen peeps.. I don't want braces again.. they are not fun! and not cute! I mean.. look at THIS brace face:
me and meredith@love, life, and dessert before homecoming my freshmen yr of HS!
(Okay.. I'm not gonna lie.. I chose one of my better pictures with braces, because braces mixed with awkward freshman year of high school makes for embarrassing pictures. Forgive me! :) )

2. I despise calling people for business reasons.. like calling Barnes and Noble to see if they have a book I need.. or calling the auto repair shop to describe why my car won't crank. I hate it.. I feel like I'll say the wrong thing and they won't know what I'm talking about. 

3. Money burns a hole in my pocket! I wish I was a saver like my little sister.. but I just LOVE shopping! 

4. I was a lifeguard for 2 summers at the county pool.. I got a killer tan those summers! Oh how I wish I still had it! ;) But you can only imagine the kind of people you see at the public pools... you don't want to know the things I've seen!.. and the things I've had to clean up. It was a character builder. A true, character builder.
that's me on the far right! this was at our end of summer lifeguard celebration!

And the killer tan!

5. My family has always dreamed of being on the Amazing Race.. aka THE best show of all time. In fact, we applied for the family edition a few years ago.. and for whatever reason they didn't pick us. Basically, they lost the chance for a lot of ratings without having us on there ;)

6. I still have 3 great-grandmothers, all in their 90s! 

7. My nerdy self actually really enjoys Organic Chemistry, as much as it's killing me. Don't judge. 

And on that note.. 
Now I get to pass this award on to 15 bloggers! 
2. Ashley Lauren @ Texas Prep
4. Suze @ Just Sayin
6. Jordan @This is My Now
12. Marjorie @The blog of mj
13.  cRk @ Preppy Lane
14. Savannah @ Savannah Smiles
15. Hannah @ Cliche

If any of you have already gotten this award.. my apologies! 
and anyone else who wants to play along please do! because I love all of ya'lls blogs! 

My weekend was basically just MADE because I got a text from my school saying classes are CANCELLED for tomorrow, because they're expecting 8 inches of snow. Soooo.. now I get to stay home with my family an extra day! 

Hope ya'll have all had a great weekend! 


  1. Congrats on award! I've got this one like 3x's already LOL. I too was brace face twice ( my orthondontist died and i got a birthday card from him a week after he died-- creepy!) I do wear my retainer religiously too! I even had to wear a head gear thingy first time i got my braces! ANYWAY I dont like calling people for business reasons either , but i've got better about it lol. that is flat out a-mazing you still have 3 great grandmothers alive! cherish those moments! and finally, YAY for no school and snow on the way :))

  2. Fun award!

    I'm jealous of your tan :)

    Have a fun day off...our school is cancelled too!

  3. congrats! i love the last pic with your grandma, so nice!

  4. you totally deserve them all my lovely lady!!!!!!! congrats :) and LOVE your photos! You are so lovely.

  5. Hey! Thanks for passing the award on to me....YAY!!!! You know what is funny? I am TERRIFIED to call places for random things. Today I had to call to ask about getting my dog's teeth cleaned and I about barfed!! Oh yeah, and lifeguarding tans rock!

  6. i dont know why.. but i like calling businesses! lol i think its from working the phonathon at my school every semester! we call and ask people for money and if i can handle that, i can handle anything! ;) and i love the retro pic of us at homecoming! i was cleaning out my drawers yesterday and i found wallets of those along with a group pic haha it was...humorous! and lastly.. the amazing race is most DEFINITELY missing out on the bentley fam! =)

  7. Loved your random facts! I have had braces before, too...I wear my retainer "mostly." Haha. So jealous that you get a free lazy day tomorrow!!

  8. Thank you for my award!!!! Your blog is among my favorites!!!! You always have the best pictures!

  9. Thank you so much for the award! :]

  10. Omg I'm the same when it comes to calling places!!! My boyfriend makes fun of me because I refuse to call and order a pizza, I always make him call places whenever possible haha!

  11. Ok I can totally relate to your #2 and #3- that is me in a nutshell! So excited that you get a day off a school tomorrow. Michiganders aren't quite that lucky since we go from 65 degree weather with a list misting of rain to 42 inches of snow the minute someone sneezes so the cities learned to prepare for that kind of thing! But enjoy your day! You deserve it!

  12. Thanks so much!! and I agree with #7! I really do like Oragnic, but why does it have to be so hard!!! :(

  13. Thanks for the award Leslie! I had braces as well but hardly ever wore my retainers so my bottom teeth have shifted quite a bit. Woops! And the whole money, thing exactly like you and my sister is exactly like your sister. As much as I try, I'm just not very good at saving. That's my goal for this year though! :-)
