Friday, January 7, 2011

Birthday Celebration!

Today was my hilarious and sweet friend, Holly's Birthday!
So to celebrate.. we planned a big lunch for her at Suz's house :)

(We were all on the same freshman hall in the dorms on campus.. basically the best hall EVER, because I'm so blessed to have these wonderful ladies as my friends!)

This picture was our first try.. obviously no one was ready for the self-timer!
(except Suz & Sarah)

The Birthday Girl, Holly!

Check the cookie cake.. Tara and Brandi left the candles they bought in their dorm, so we improvised with 2 candles and pretzel sticks Suz had in the pantry. Gotta love college life! :)

Happy Birthday Holly!!!

Now I'm home for the weekend..
soaking up some family time :)
And I already have mounds of homework.. so it's looking like my Saturday will be devoted to reading Beowulf and studying Aromaticity!

Sounds like an absolute blast, right?.. try not to be too jealous ;)

Hope everyone's having a FANTASTIC Friday!

p.s. Only a few more hours to enter my OPI Nail Polish Giveaway! Click HERE to ENTER!


  1. Found you on Jenn's blog and I am your newest follower! :-)

  2. Have fun being at home with your family girl! family time is often the best and good luck studying saturday away-- beowolf whew bless your heart! That'd put me to sleep ha ha! Glad your friend Holly had a terrific birthday!! :)) Hope we get this snow the forecasters keep talking about because moma and i stocked up at the grocery store ha! :)

  3. Fun, fun! Looks like you ladies had a blast! Happy Bday to Holly! =)


  4. I read Beowulf this fall for English and it really isn't that bad - it was actually quite a quick read! Good luck with all of your work!

  5. Ughhhh, I hated Beowulf. I had to read it in high school and YUCK!! Haha. Glad ya'll had a good time!!

  6. Ugh, I'm not looking forward to having to go back to homework in a little over a week! I feel your pain, and I had to google what Aromaticity was...haha. Way over my head!

  7. Ewww, I hated Beowulf. I read it in my AP lit class senior year. It was atrocious!

  8. oh, boy! I remember reading Beowulf. Well, not really. It was a long time ago. I hope you have a wonderful time home. It sounds like you had a great day celebrating your friend's birthday! :]

  9. ugh im so not loving this going back to school thing.. i was really enjoying the break and got far to used to it! not to mention i have major senoritis already lol! boo! enojoy being home! im crossing my fingers for snow this weekend!

  10. SO cute!!! Looks like so much fun!!

  11. eww. Beowulf =\ I'm sorry you have to read that!

  12. Haha, that looks like such a fun party!!

  13. Wow, Holly's Birthday was so fun. I can totally imagine how wonderful person she is. Gratitude for sharing these photos here. Even my best friend’s 24th birthday is coming in a few days so I will host a surprise party for her. At the time I am just finding the most budget friendly rental spaces for parties.
