Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blast from the Past

I'm at a loss for words today..
The start of every semester is draining. And I've racked my brain trying to figure out what to blog about.. but ladies, it's the end of the week and I'm exhausted. So instead I'm just going to share with you some funny pictures from back in the day.

Since we're expecting snow tonight and through the weekend up at school I dug up some old snow day pictures from when I was little.

Please check the CHEESIN smile I've got going on in the first photo. And then little Mallory bundled up like a snow bunny.. she can't even get her arms by her side for the layers of clothing mama has her in!

And now take a gander at the photo to the left. I wish you could see it blown up bigger.. I got pelted in the side of the face with a snowball.

I'm talkin, ice went all down in my little ear and I STILL remember how upset I was. I think Mama and Daddy probably said "well, just stand by your snowman so we can get a picture!" Because I am REALLY smiling through some tears. hahaha

Hopefully we will get some snow tonight!! Snow days are always the best! unless you get a snowball in your ear of course ;)

P.S. Don't forget to enter my giveaway!! The deadline to enter is tomorrow night at 11:59 pm EST! Click HERE if you haven't entered yet!


  1. TOO funny! Thanks for sharing that cute story! :)

  2. I love your opening line. That's exactly how I feel today! Drained...A loss for words so much to the point that I deactivated myself from FB! (this may be temporary we shall see)

  3. Love the pictures! It's so much fun to look back at pics from childhood. I hope you are able to relax this weekend and refresh yourself after the first week of the semester!

  4. These are so cute! I hope that the beginning of the semester settles down for you soon... I always hate the beginning!

  5. Cute pictures! Get some rest this weekend!

  6. Such cute pictures, Leslie! I love the rockin shoes that you are wearing! Haha.

  7. I want snow here so badly! We have barely had a winter and that is really unusually for this area. Yay for pharmacy!! Are you a sophomore also? O Chem II is coming up for me starting next week...ughh lol

  8. awl little mal and leslie! you two are so cute! =)) im loving the white stocking in the first pic! haha im hoping for snow!! =D

  9. Haha gotta love those pictures!

  10. Adorable pictures! I hope you can get some rest this weekend!

  11. I love that picture of you with your snowman! I hope you have a fun, relaxing weekend after the beginning of the semester!

  12. GOOD LUCK with the new semester! Hope this weekend gives you some time to relax and catch up!

  13. how cute! love those pictures!
