Monday, August 16, 2010

Welcome to 1403!

I haven't been able to update in a while because life has been hectic!! Sunday we moved in to our new apartment and I am looking forward to a great year with my new roommates: Ally, Emily, and Candace.

The night before move in day my sweet mama made me a delicious "last meal" with all of my favorites.. including caramel cake for dessert. She is the best!
Sunday morning we went to church, and then headed out with a loaded suburban and VW bug.
It took several hours for us to unpack everything and get everything looking how we wanted, and then our parents had to leave. and Ya'll, I am so sensitive and emotional, every single year my parents drop me off at school I end up crying. Something about them saying bye and leaving me at school just makes me burst into tears. It's so hard!! But luckily Ally is the same way so we could comfort each other.
(all of the damages in our apartment, and YES we listed EVERYTHING, I refuse to be charged at the end of the year for stuff I didn't do!)

The following 24 hours consisted of sponges, lysol, and a whole lot of scrubbing. Our apartment was FILTHY when we moved in. Obviously whoever lived there last didn't own a mop, sponge, or ANY cleaning supplies. Ya'll, I scrubbed stuff I never in my life thought I would have to scrub. Our shower had mold all in it, and other nasty stuff from people who I don't even know, and let me just say, it. was. gross. :-P
So after bursting into tears, crying to Ally, AND calling my mama... I eventually managed to get it clean enough to stand in. But let's just say I won't be taking a bubble bath here.
And then Monday morning we all got on our hands and knees and scrubbed each individual tile in the kitchen and bathroom. We felt so accomplished! And our apartment smells so wonderful each time we walk in the door! I love the smell of freshly cleaned stuff! :)

I will definitely be adding more pictures of the apartment soon! AND pictures from our pancake party we had last night, but that's all I have time to post right now! Class starts tomorrow so I have to psyche up!



  1. Definitely keep your copy of that form! the apt i just moved out of tried charging me for things that i had put on that sheet and luckily i was able to look on it and got out of having to pay for what i didnt do!

    Good luck on your first day back...interesting that you start on a Wednesday.

  2. Your last meal looks delicious! I love those grandma has them :)

    Good luck with your first day of classes!

  3. That really sucks you had to move into a dirty place!! Is it an apartment or dorm?
    I do love the smell of pinsol tho!!
