Thursday, August 12, 2010

Craft Time!!

A few weeks ago I came across the cutest "book wreath" on a blog. (If you wanna make yourself one check it out here!) And so me & Ally decided to try to make ourselves one!
So we hit up dollar tree and Hobby Lobby (our favorite store EVER) and stocked up on supplies last week.
The supplies for this project are less than 5 bucks, and we decided to add some feathers and flowers for some extra pizazz so it made it a little more, but still less than $10. :) And last night we got started.
It was a really simple craft, you just had to get a book and foam wreath and you roll up the pages and glue them on! And the end result is great! Pictures don't do it justice!
Our messy workspace :)
It took a while, but we had a blast making them and in the process came up with some new ideas for some future wreaths we want to make.
We added some scrapbook paper in the middle of some of the regular book pages to spice it up a bit. But my blue was a little too light to show up well in pictures..
Then we added our flowers and feathers! Ally's is the pink with peacock, it turned out SUPER cute! and mine is the brown and blue. I can't wait to hang it up in my room when we move in! I think I'm going to get some brown ribbon and tie a really pretty bow to hang it up with. There will definitely be pictures to come of my new room with my book wreath!



  1. ahh i love it! i want to make! i also saw online about a rag wreath, i want to make one of those too. so cute and easy. can't wait to see pics of them hanging up in your apt!

  2. omgoodnes! those are too cute! =))

  3. Such a cute idea! It turned out great!
