Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pancake Party

Monday night we had a pancake party at our apartment and invited our friends from my old hall over. It was so exciting to see everyone after a summer apart, we were all so close spring semester last year! And I miss not being 2 doors down from each of them!
Me and Emily were the hostesses/cooks. And we sported our new aprons, compliments of Emily's sweet mama! :)
Ally joined in on the pancake party and got to meet all of our sweet A200 ladies!
Emily & Me Mixing up the pancakes!
Emily is a professional little pancake maker! Look at that perfection!

All of the sweet A200 ladies who came! :)
The Feast!
We had so much fun all catching up and laughing at everyone's crazy summer stories! Today was the first day of class.. and after a 20 minute walk to my first class I was sweating and out of breath. I feel so out of shape, but those hills are ridiculous! (part of going to school in the mountains I guess) I had Biology and Organic Chemistry today... and it wasn't as bad as I expected. I think I can handle this. We'll see if I'm feeling that positive next week! ;)


  1. How fun! I love y'alls aprons :)

  2. what a cute idea for a reunion dinner!! (= and agreed-ya'lls aprons are too cute!

  3. Love me some good homemake pancakes :).

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