Tuesday, May 15, 2012

That's a Classic!

As we watched the Bachelorette and all of its glory last night, we were discussing movies during the commercial breaks. I've come to realize that I am DEPRIVED in my movie-watching. 

I haven't seen a lot of the movies that are deemed "Classics."
Which is slightly ridiculous, and I intend to fix this ASAP while I have a wee little bit of Summer to do so. 

On today's agenda: Movie Watching.
I've got to see The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, 9 to 5, and Flashdance.

I know,

So then I got to thinking, what other movie Classics am I missing out on?!

What movies do y'all consider classics?
Or are any of y'all classic movie deprived like myself?

It looks like instead of a 30 before 30 list, I'm going to end up creating a Classic Movie Watching List.

Help a Sister Out, I need to see what my life has been missing! ;)


  1. I did a post last year of 100 movies you must see in your life. You should go read it haha

  2. I'm in the same boat as you! I have a couple of those movies you mentioned, I just haven't watched them. We'll have to watch one when you're here in a few weeks! :)

  3. I haven't seen those either! But for me "Classics" are movies made in the 30s, 40s, 50s, and I love them! But movies made in the 60s, 70s, 80s... only seen a few. Let me know what you think of those classics! :)

  4. i've only seen the breakfast club, no others from that list. ha i wish i could help ya out on the 'classics' but i am probably in the same boat as you!
    you should def watch the breakfast club though, i like that one!

  5. Meh, I wasn't impressed with Pretty in Pink. My major to-see is Breakfast at Tiffany's. I have a feeling I'll be borrowing a lot of the classics from the library this summer. :)

  6. Love Pretty in Pink!! I'm sure you've seen 16 Candles, but it's one of my favorites too. Let us know how you like them!

  7. i am the same way! there are so many classic movies i havent seen! {and classic books i havent read}. i need to get on it as well.

  8. People tell me that too. Ive seen the ones you sited and they are great! I'd say a classic is Forest Gump and today I got told that Rainman was and I need to see it...not sure about that lol

  9. Pretty in Pink, Sixteen candles, and breakfast club are my faves. Also anything with Audrey Hepburn I think is a classic and a must see... especially the ones in black n white. I wish we lived closer to each other because then we could do a themed girls night!

  10. Love Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, Footloose, and Grease!

  11. You MUST see Sixteen Candles! 9 to 5 is one of my favorite movies, I think it's hilarious!

  12. Sixteen Candles! Say Anything! Urban Cowboy!
    My list of 80's movies is endless though :)

  13. Love all of those but Gone with the Wind is my favorite "classic"!
