Thursday, May 10, 2012


Well I just went and fell of the face of the Earth for a bit there...
courtesy of Finals week.

But it's over, and I have embraced THAT which is the FREEDOM of Summer! 
Until Summer classes begin at least.. ;)

I have so much I've been doing, and so much on my heart to blog about, so I'm really excited that I should actually have time to throw myself back into blogging the next few weeks.

Since my absence, we all experienced Cinco de Mayo!

I hope y'all had a good one!
We went to Atlanta with some of Jasmine's friends to have dinner at Tacos and Tequila. It was some of the best Mexican food ever, and WHAT a party. I would love to know how much money they made off that one night.

And then afterwards, I had to hit the books for my test over Islam this week. 
Basically, I know the ins and outs of Islam after that one... including Arabic. 

Hence, the reason the night after the final my BFF Ally came over to celebrate it being over with Skinny Girl and Bethenny Ever After on the DVR!

and we may or may not have put away a whole pizza between the two of us... ;) But I will say, the Skinny Girl Cosmo is amazing, go get yourself some for this weekend. 

 If you follow me on instagram, I apologize that you've already seen all of these pictures... I'll try to be better. This is my life lately. 

Can't wait to get back to reading blogs and posting regularly, this has killed me!


  1. Congrats on being done! YAY Summer!!!

    I absolutely love your handwriting!

    What's your Instagram name?

  2. YAY for being done, enjoy your break :)

  3. Your handwriting is like a font.

    That is all.

  4. Congrats on being done! I took 2 summer classes for a second degree last summer after graduating and I dont regret it.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your handwriting!

  5. That test looks killer! So enjoy your summer while you have it! :)

  6. Yay for a break! And I love Skinny Girl...and Bethenny!

  7. Yay for finals being over!! I can't wait to try some Skinnygirl Sangria!

  8. Woohoo for Finals being over!! Enjoy that break!
