Monday, April 16, 2012

Winding Down

The semester is winding down,
and with that comes the chaotic last-minute assignments, quizzes, tests, and preparation for finals.

Oh my lanta, I would say I'm ready for summer... but I'll be spending it taking Biochemistry.  (Every. Single. Day. at 9AM.)
The joys of being a college student. ;)

So seeing as how I have an 8-page Religious Analytical Timeline paper due Thursday... I'm about to knock this bad baby out.

And hopefully be able to post more exciting posts this week...
and read your lovely posts too!!

Good luck to the rest of you who are spending these next few weeks finishing up your semesters! 

Summer is in sight!!


  1. I'm so ready for this semester to end. My senioritis has kicked in BAD. I only have 2 weeks of classes left too!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Does not sound like a fun way to spend your summer

  4. Have you heard anything back from your pharmacy school?

  5. Oh I loved BioChem! So much so, I went back fro my Masters :) But yeah girl, it's brutal. Your consolation prize, however, is that you get to spend a summer in Athens. I spent one summer in Athens between my sophomore & junior year and had an absolute blast!
