Friday, April 13, 2012

I Need Recommendations

Today I'm calling on all of you iPhone veterans out there,
I need some advice for apps!

I'm a newbie, and I want to know the "best of the best" in your opinions!
I've got instagram, and am totally obsessed. (username: @lesliebentley)

PLUS, I feel like I've heard there's a better app to use for twitter than the twitter app.

I feel like there are probably a ton of great apps that you fabulous bloggers know about... so share the deets!!

Which apps are a must?

Happy Friday darlings!


  1. I absolutely LOVE instagram. I also love the My Fitness Pal app, Pinterest app, Pic Stitch app and all of my news organization apps.

  2. Instagram, Key Ring, My Fitness Pal, Pic Stitch, Twitter are my like must haves :)

  3. I just found you on instagram! It's definitely my favorite! I also love the Pinterest app (because i'm obsessed), Frametastic (to do multiple pictures in instagram...there are several apps like this), Red Stamp (virtual cards), Evernote (keep lists), and of course Twitter and Facebook!

  4. Aside from instagram, I have echofon for twitter which I find better. I love the iheartradio app for music, I find it better than pandora. Also camera+ is a great camera! I'm still a newbie too but I also love myfitness pal and good reads. Find my iPhone is another great one to track your phone if lost. And Cuptakes is a good one for wallpaper! Hope this helps! :)

  5. I love tweetdeck for twitter but others probs won't agree. For me its great because it has a bar of yellow for the ones you haven't read. I also have the regular twitter app for notifications because tweetdeck doesn't do that.

    I love checkpoints and shopkick. They are apps that use to gps to know stores by you. When you go into target, walgreens, grocery stores there are barcodes of products to scan for points. I especially like checkpoints. I've only been using it since feb and I have 4500 points and 8100 is a $25 amazon giftcard in rewards. Its a fun treasure hunt in stores. Hope that made sense!

    I like espn score center ad pinterest.

    Enjoy your iphone!!

  6. TWEETBOT! omg I cannot describe how amazing this app is! I tried literally 10 other twitter apps and it is SO worth the $2!! red stamp is cute for cards and what not, I love Diptic for collages. Bloglovin is perfect for reading my daily blog fans! and Draw Something! So addicting!

  7. I have Instagram, but I never use it. Whomp Whomp. I'm just so bad at taking pics. I do love my twitter & pinterst apps though!

  8. Beautiful blog with so many inspiring ideas! Great work:) Would you like to follow each other?

  9. Can't wait to see all of your suggestions, I'm a newbie too! I am obsessed with Instagram (just added you!)!

  10. I use Pandora almost every day, Walgreens to upload photos from my phone to their store, Dictionary, Michaels (coupon), Labelbox, Shazam (tells you title and artist of a song), bejeweled blitz, BlogPress, CNN, Facebook, Flashlight, AccuWeather, Flixter (for movie times), Allrecipes (they have an awesome "spinner" for inspiration), FallDown, Kindle, DirecTV, AroundMe(search for ANYTHING around you), and Draw Something. :D

  11. draw something, temple run, open table, etsy, groupon, tmz, echofon :)

  12. I just use the Twitter App. Tweet Deck is good too. Have fun playing with it!

    hope you had a great weekend :)

    {I have a giveaway going on right now. Love for you to enter!}
