Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Happy Wednesday!
Today I'm linking up with Jamie to share What I'm loving :)

Today I'm loving...

[one]- That last night Jasmine and I went to Fuzzy's tacos downtown for Taco Tuesday. Nothing like an ice cold draft to finish off the day!

[two]- When we were walking downtown we passed Georgia Theatre, and saw some concert posters. This one caught my eye, Perpetual Groove? Definitely sounds like a show I need to see. 
One hour later, we got our tickets. I live for concerts.

[three]- Glee last night.
I loved the Whitney songs!!! 
Definitely one of my favorites this season. 

[four]- My job.
I work in a Pharmacy, for those of you who don't know, and it's a retail space located inside of a hospital. So it provides endless entertainment. Not only are my co-workers amazing, but I love all of our regular patients. Every day is something exciting :) I swear they need to make a TV show like the office, but called "The Pharmacy." 

What are you loving?
Go link up and share it with us!


  1. I'm behind on Glee, so I need to catch up! I'm actually behind on ALL my tv shows...Dang school.

    And I'm sure, from the stories you've told, that "The Pharmacy" would be an entertaining show! :)

  2. That margarita looks ah-mazing!! And I bet you that would be an interesting reality tv show!

  3. I was just thinking of you because I ordered my prescription online and then realized I ordered the wrong one and the one I need is expired and they have to call to ok the renewal with my doctor which is stupid because I'm going to the dr monday.

    Aaaaanyway, I thought of you as I explained all that to the pharmacist who answered the phone. She was very nice about it. :)

  4. I'm so behind of Glee, but I can't wait to catch up solely based on the Whitney songs I saw in the previews! Glad to know it was a goodie!! :)

  5. Oh my goodness, you were NOT kidding when you said that was "ice cold". Looks DELICIOUS!

  6. I bet your job is interesting! We have a pharmacy in our hospital, too...and basically they get our same patients once we are done. Haha!

  7. We saw Perpetual Groove last Fall while in Athens for a Georgia game & LOVED them! It'll be an awesome show, for sure :) And putting Fuzzy;s on my list of places to hit up the next time I'm in the Classic City - sounds like my kinds place!

  8. I thought Glee was great too last night! :) That drink looks yummy!

  9. Wasn't Glee AMAZING last night?! One of my faves too.
    LOVE your blog!

  10. i loved glee last night too! it's so bad, but i never listened to much whitney before-but i had no idea she did so many great songs! i loved finding that out last night :)

  11. That drink looks amazing, and yes, I can definitely see how your job would be interesting, and how you'd get to see some slightly interesting individuals, lol!
