Thursday, April 26, 2012

Life's Miracles.

Yesterday two of our close family friends had babies.
There is nothing like the birth of a baby to remind you of the miracle of life.
Seeing how little, and precious life can be laying there at only 7 pounds, 10 ounces.
They named him Cale, and he's such a beautiful baby! Absolutely perfect.
Maybe I'm just emotional right now, but something about babies being born makes me all sappy. You see them in their Mama's belly one day, and the next day you're able to hold them and feel their little legs kicking under the blanket. And to think about all of the things that can go wrong during a pregnancy, it makes you so thankful that we are all so healthy and perfect. It's such a reminder of how miraculous human life really is. 

 On another note, one of the pharmacists I work with had her baby last Thursday. She had complications when they gave her the epidural. 

For a quick summary: They ended up missing several times with her epidural, and went too high up the third time they administered it. Today marks a week that she's been in the hospital. She still cannot hold her baby, eat, or move. She's laying flat on the hospital bed because even the slightest movement sends searing pain through her body, and she was rushed to ICU Monday night as things worsened. In the meantime they're trying to figure out how to alleviate the pain, her spinal cord is leaking spinal fluid and they've tried two blood patches now. Please keep her in your prayers, prayer is such a powerful thing, and right now she needs all the prayers she can get! 


  1. YAY!!! for babies!!! Every baby is an amazing miracle! God is so good!

    I will be praying for your coworker!

  2. Praying for that co-worker. What a scary and terrible thing!!

  3. cale is so precious and i will definitely pray for your co-worker... so scary!

  4. That poor woman - definitely saying a quick prayer for her!

  5. Those are such precious pictures! Love your blog :)

  6. My cousin's identical twin daughters came home from the hospital after 48 days in the NICU and they are so adorable just like cale. such sweet reminders in life. praying for your co-worker, hopefully they can resolve the problem!

  7. As a NICU nurse, I see daily just how quickly things can go from good to bad. I'll keep your friend in my prayers! And Cale is just so handsome!!

  8. Oh my gosh, how sad for your friend! I hope they find a way to fix her pain soon! I am SO scared of getting an epidural one day. We have so many complications that come into the ER from it.

  9. How is your co-worker doing ? I just saw this post!!! I prayed for her!!
