Thursday, April 19, 2012


I've just completed a paper that I've worked on since Saturday... so my brain is a little shot.
As a result, this post is  just a bunch of random-ness that's been going on with me lately!

[one]- my little sis, Mallory, toured UGA Tuesday and loved it. (so happy!) She'll be a HS senior next year... which I can't believe. I'm hoping maybe, just maybe, she can be a DAWG with me! I mean... how cute does she look in Athens? 

She belongs here. 

[two]- I'm a little obsessed with the song "Call me, Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen. At first I didn't like it at all.. but it's on repeat right now. What a great girly jam.

[three]- I've been reading the 50 Shades of Grey series... currently on number 3. And these sequels get better and better. At first I was hesitant to keep reading the first one.. but my word. I can't put them down now. I can't wait to see who they cast for a movie!

[four]- I've been going through weird phases where I become obsessed with a food. Currently: it's pimento cheese. I can't tell you how many pimento cheese sandwiches I've had lately... but it's slightly ridiculous. Do y'all do this?! Get latched onto a food for a few weeks?

and on that note, I'm off to class!
Happy Thursday!


  1. I workout to that song all the time! So fun. And I cant' wait to start reading those books, just got them on my kobo!

  2. My middle school girls are obsessed with that song!! Haha {& so am I !!} xO

  3. Call Me Maybe is my JAMMMM. I almost blogged about it! Maybe I will. Going to go listen to it now!

  4. But of course sweet Mallory would love Athens, who wouldn't? ;) Hope she joins our club & chooses UGA! Springtime in Dixie + the Masters = pimento cheese. Always. I've got a batch in my fridge as well, haha!

  5. My sister is coming here next year!! But of course I won't be here. :( You'll have to take care of her. :)

    Have you tried the Pimento cheese at Triple Sec? (The rooftop bar at Georgia Theatre) SOOO good. And I am a Northerner that has no developed the taste for pimento cheese quite yet.

  6. I have been wondering about this 50 shades of gray craze that I've been seeing... What's it like?

    And I go through food phases like that, too!! Usually it's breakfast foods for me. have you been to georges low country table? They have good pimento cheese :)

  7. I've jumped food things! For a few weeks I was addicted to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches...maybe I was reliving my elementary days haha. And I'm sure God had a plan for you not getting into Pharmacy school right away. It at least allows you a breather before next year! thanks for praying for me! I appreciate it and you will do the same for you too, Missy!


  8. I LOVE that song! My husband caught me singing it the other day and will probably never let me live it down!

    I have got to read these books that everyone keeps talking about!

    I love Pimento Cheese sandwiches! YUMO! I also get on kicks for certain foods! One time it was PB&J sandwiches! So good! But I ate way too many!

  9. 1. It was my older sister's insistence that I become a Jayhawk with her that convinced me to go to KU! Keep at it and she just might be a DAWG :)

    2. Love this song. Love. Loff loff.

    3. I have that book on hold at the library! Although from what I've heard, it's not one I'm likely to read in public for fear of blushing too hard.

    4. Scrambled eggs. When I stopped eating meat (oh about... 8 years ago?) I stopped eating eggs plain, as in not-in-bread. Then last fall I suddenly decided to try scrambled eggs. Oh. My. Goodness. I think I ate like a dozen a week! Now I buy them and the sit and sit and end up expiring. Just not into it anymore. Ha!

  10. ...although, I have no idea what pimento cheese is.

  11. Ok, when I saw the picture in the blogger feed of your sister I thought, wow...she looks like Rachel! lol

    I am slightly obsessed with that song too but just now saw the ending of the music video - so funny!!

    And I get into food stages like that too, ALL THE TIME. Right now it's my Mom's oyster crackers, can't get enough!

  12. PS, I meant Leslie...not Rachel! lol

  13. Im loving that song, too... which is so weird bc I left my teeny bopper days a long time ago :)
    A few bloggers did a video to that song... hilarious! You should check it out :)
    Have a great night!

  14. I've seen that series all over Pinterest lately. I might have to check them out!!

  15. I definitely do that with food too! There was a sushi phase, a bar food phase, and now I'm working on cooking!

  16. I think I NEED to read these books!!!

  17. I really want to read fifty shades of grey, but I am worried I am too prude!

    You and your sister look so much alike!

  18. They were talking about Fifty Shades of Grey on the radio this morning--I had never heard of it!

    I get addicted to the same food all the time! For several weeks, I ate Hot Pockets every day!

  19. OK so I finished the first 50 shades book and I dont know if I want to keep reading. It was so crazy raunchy and twisted! Thoughts?

  20. Your sister is so adorable!

    I wanna try those books.. I've heard such good things!
