Monday, April 23, 2012


I'm not really a fashion-oriented person.
I mean yeah, I like to read the fashion blogs and pretend I could pull off those looks... ;)

BUT, I'm really into the color block trend this year.
and the vibrant colors! 
For so long it seemed like everything was drab, and boring...
and now all of this color is making me so happy!

Particularly orange. 
A color I never thought I could pull it off.. but it's EVERYWHERE and I'm loving it.

I scored this dress at Belk's this weekend on sale.

and the shoes I got at Belk's too.
I can't wait to wear my new outfit to church. :)

I feel like my closet is really lacking in spring/summer clothes.
It's full of sweaters, turtlenecks, and vests.

Basically, I need to win the lottery so I can replenish my Spring and Summer wardrobe. 

What are y'alls favorite trends this year?
As I get money saved up I'm trying to invest in some fun clothes!


  1. Every time the season changes, whether it's going from cold to hot or hot to cold, I always feel like I only have clothes for the wrong season. Every year. Obviously, I'm always wrong.

  2. SUCH a cute outfit! I love it!

  3. Those shoes. THOSE SHOES!!! I love red heads in orange - you look gorgeous. And I agree, I'm loving all the tangerine oranges this season. But I still hate Florida & Tennessee.... (GO DAWGS!)

  4. I love the outfit! Such an awesome color! i'm loving that I can wear lots of bright nail polish now :)

  5. Love this colorful outfit! I'm loving the statement necklaces and maxi dresses this summer!

  6. I want this outfit!!! It is so perfect and looks beautiful on you!

  7. loooovveee it :) !! you are adorable.

  8. Love the dress! My goal this week is to clean my closet out as I prepare for my trip and try to buy more clothes like that!

  9. Love the dress!! :)

  10. so, so cute! You have that assessorizing going on lovely! :)

  11. Love that dress, I really like the color block trend this year too! And chevron print!

  12. That dress is awesome! Love it!!

  13. I am loving the color orange especially with pink! What a cute dress!

  14. Love love love this dress. I have never heard of Belks before, I need to look up this store ASAP

  15. That dress is AMAZING on you & those shoes rock. You look pretty darn fashionable to me :)
    I could so use winning the lottery. I would shop till I dropped!

  16. Love that dress! Orange is SO not my color, but I wish I could make it work. Looks great on you!

  17. LOVE that dress! JcPenney has a dress that's similar to that. If they had it in my size, it would probably be mine! ;) I'm loving all of the bright colors shorts & pants, as you've seen on my Instagram!

  18. I love the colors and the dress! The sandals are cute too. I wish it was warm enough to wear something like that here!
