Monday, November 15, 2010

Gettin in the Christmas Spirit!

Last night we put up our christmas tree in our apartment. We figured since we get out of school the first week of december.. might as well start celebrating early! And after engaging in a medley of christmas carols last thursday with Ally, we were definitely in the Christmas mood. After throwing up the tree we started the self-timer pictures. Self-timer pictures are a) Hilarious, because they never turn out good. so they're super candid and b) addicting. We just kept pressing the button for more.. and ended up with like 150 pictures. Ridiculous. But they're really great.. so here's some for you to enjoy!
Needless to say, we have a lot of fun in our apartment! Today is Ally's Birthday and we have a lot of tricks up our sleeves ;) so tomorrow should be a fun post!


  1. How cute! Now I'm wanting to put up our Christmas tree :)

  2. Cute pics!!! I'm putting my Christmas tree up this weekend! I'm so excited!!

  3. Y'all are too cute. I'm looking forward to decorating next week!

  4. Hey girl...I gave you an award! Go to my blog to check it out :)
