Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blog Award!

Tasha @ Everything Happens for A Reason gave me this sweet blog award! Check out her blog because it is absolutely ADORABLE! Thanks for the award Tasha!!
Here are the rules:
*to thank the person that gave you the award....check
*to tell you 7 facts about me :)...
*give the award to 7 wonderful bloggers that I just love
*leave a comment and tell the 7 bloggers that I am giving them an award

Be Forewarned: Some of these facts are repeats. I'm terrible at coming up with random stuff.. but last time I did this was early summer.. so forgive me! :)
  1. I make my bed every morning. The rooms in our apartment are like shoeboxes.. without the bed made the entire room looks too messy for my taste!
  2. I love baking. And eating. Desserts are my weakness.. and one day Ally and I dream of opening our own bakery. It will happen. :)
  3. I love to read. When I have the chance.. lately I haven't had time to. Jodi Picoult is one of my favorite authors. And I've said before is the best website ever if you enjoy reading as much as me and my family. You can swap books with other people and all you pay is shipping. check it out!
  4. I yawn a lot when I get nervous. Super weird. When I was growing up and had piano recitals I would yawn 50,000 times before playing.. and just typing about it makes me yawn haha
  5. I'm pretty bad at procrastinating.. but who isn't?
  6. It takes me a while to open up to people.. I've always wished I was one of those people who can just strike up conversation with a wall.
  7. I'm a dog person. I love my sweet puppy dog to pieces! Here she is on Halloween:
Now I pass this award on to these lovely ladies!
1. Carie @ The Life of Carie
2. Morgan @ Maybe it's Called Ambition
3. Suze @ Just Sayin'
and the rest of you loyal followers! Anyone who wants to play along please do!


  1. Thank you for thinking my blog is stylish! Your dog is soooo cute! Desserts are my weakness for sure! I played the piano too how crazy! I'm the pro at procrasinator ha ha! Girl you are a better person than me to make your bed every morning!!!! Hope you have a terrifc Thursday!!

  2. I have to make our bed every day too!

    Your puppy is SO cute...reminds me of my little Daisy :)

  3. Love your blog and puppy! I have a maltese too. They're wondeful!

  4. Thank you so much for the award! I'm glad that you think my blog is stylish :)

  5. Congratulations!

    and omg, what kind of dog do you have? Too precious!!!
