Monday, September 6, 2010

Weekend Summary

One of my favorite movies of all time is Singin' in The Rain, I grew up watching musicals and old movies at my grandparents house and that is by far my favorite (along with The Sound of Music). Friday night me and my grandmother went to see the play version of Singin in the Rain at a local theater and it was so good! I was amazed at how well they managed to pull it off, it even rained on stage. :)
Then Saturday I went to a wedding for a friend from high school that graduated with me. It was my first wedding for someone I've graduated with and it just was so weird! I don't feel like I'm old enough to be getting married! But the wedding was beautiful, And Caitlin and her fiance.. now husband.. love the office so their recessional was an arrangement of the office theme song! It made me and Ally so happy. I know it might sound tacky, but the way it was arranged on the piano was really pretty, you would've never known it was a tv show's theme song.
After the wedding and reception I went home to grab some things before heading up to the lake to meet my family and found flowers and a sweet card on my doorstep!
My sweet friend/ex-boyfriend Patrick surprised me with them since I've had a rough week at school! He is such a sweetheart :)

Then I loaded up the car and hit the road to get my butt on the lake! And it was SUCH a wonderful weekend. Perfect lake weather! We whipped out our marvelous floaty chairs and soaked up the sun.
Sunday our boat broke down in the middle of the lake, right when we were about to swap riders on the tube. Well.. we called EVERYONE who was back on the dock and no one would answer because they were too busy talking, and floating in the water. So we had to flag some people down and get them to give 2 of us a ride back to our dock so we could get the jet ski and tow our boat back. Well, I was volunteered to ride with these strangers (along with my friend pT) and let me just say, boat people are some of the nicest people around. You would never just hop in a car with anybody if your car broke down, but when your boat breaks down you just flag anyone over to ask for help. I've decided anyone who is a boater is nice. (there may be a few exceptions) but I love how on the lake you just wave to everyone you pass. Anyways.. thanks to those sweet people who drove us back to our dock! And next time hopefully our friends and family on the dock will ANSWER their phones.
Mal floating in the lake
All the men of the group. Where they stayed for most of the weekend.
Julia, Me, & Mal before gettin on the jet ski

And Mama with our delicious dinner to end a long day on the lake :)

Hope everyone else had a great labor day weekend!


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!!

  2. I forgot you went and saw Singing in the Rain!! Im soo jealous I want to hear all about it!! It looks like you had so much fun at the lake! =)
