Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Something to Look Forward to..

So I am an avid John Mayer fan, if you don't already know. I mean.. basically in love with him ;) And I've been wanting to go to a concert on his summer tour.. but kept telling myself.. "Leslie, you don't need to spend the money." (let me just say that I got tickets for Christmas to his Heartbreak Warfare Winter tour.. THE most amazing concert of my life, so how about 2 amazing concerts? I think yes.)
Well, one of my best friends Jessica recently got obsessed with John Mayer too so she wanted to get tickets. So we had to find us a group of 4 together in order to get the group rate, el cheapo tickets, that our college butts can afford. And last night it came together! One of my roommates, Candace, and her friend AK were dying to see him in concert! So with a few days until the concert.. we bought our tickets last night and are counting down the days.
Oh.. this will get me through these dark and dreary days of chemistry and biology. (especially after spending 3 hours in lab today.. ugh!)


  1. I have ALL of J. Mayer's Cds. My favorite track on his new one is Edge of Desire. I love his music, but I wish he'd tone down his personal comments in interviews....he is getting a bad rep for kinda being a jerk! I'll always listen to his music though :)

  2. i looove John Mayer!!! He came to my hometown my freshman year of college so I got to see it- it was awesome! =) I would love to go to another one!

    ps everytime i visit your blog i think to myself how much i love your design and header- too cute!

  3. ommgggg me and my roomie TOTALLY wanted to get tickets but of course we have pre-initiation that night. ps, we're going to marry him. :)

    and p.s.s. my little and AK are friends from high school and she rooms with my little's boyfriend's sister and hannah about small world

  4. I cant wait to go!! Its going to be soo awesome! Count Down starts NOW.... 6 Days!!!!

  5. How exciting! He really is so talented, and seems to never fail at putting on a good show!
