Thursday, August 5, 2010

SSI Trip!!

Well I've been super lazy and haven't felt like updating since my trip... so here's a quick recap of the long weekend! :)

Friday after Jessica finished her final we all loaded up and headed down to SSI for some relaxation time and a celebration of the END of summer school. I had never driven that far so I was a bit nervous.. and I had some pretty hilarious directions (pictured below) that had crazy descriptions for all of the turns we needed to make. But we made it!! and didn't get lost ONCE.
After we got there we unloaded.. and headed out to one of my favorite places to eat on the island, Brogen's. They have the VERY best onion rings. (which I tried to get a picture of, but it didn't turn out that great.. and the flash was super bright so I started to get embarrassed haha)

The next morning we hit the beach! and it was HOT! There wasn't even a breeze.. so we sweated to death, and then had to hit up McDonald's for sweet teas before we passed out.
(Ally, Jessica, & Me)
(Me & Jessica)
Ally makes me look super pale!!!

That night we went to eat at Barbara Jean's.. another favorite restaurant on the island.
If you ever go to Barbara Jean's you HAVE to get their dessert, chocolate stuff. It is the best thing you'll ever eat! After our delicious meal we went to the shops in the village, and got friendship bracelets at Go Fish.
The next morning when we woke up, several of our bracelets had fallen off already! haha.. oh well.
The next night we went out to dinner with my grandmother and then went to the pier.
And I accidentally deleted the best picture of us!! :( I hate when that happens!
The next morning we were over the beach, so we went shopping (really browsing) in all of the expensive stores. We each got a vineyard vines hat that is super adorable!! But we never got a picture of us in them! :( Then after shopping we went to Wake Up coffee hoping to get some of their 9 layer caramel cake, but they had just sold out!! So we opted for the chocolate instead. and it was delicious! (Can you tell we love to eat?!)

And then the next morning we headed home. :)
We had so much fun, and so many laughs.
Hope everyone else had a great weekend!


  1. I love your frilly bathing suit! I am ghostly pale too! I hate the sun though happens! haha And I love those friendship bracelets!

  2. Glad y'all had fun! Love all the ruffly bathing suits :)

  3. Sounds like tons of fun! Your blog is too cute! I love finding other people in college who blog! New follower here!


  4. awh leslie it sounds like yall had such a fun time! i've never been to SSI but it sounds like a great place! all the food sounds and looks super delicious!

  5. What a fantastic trip!! Love the friendship bracelets :)And your bathing suit is adorable!
