Friday, August 6, 2010

Operation Beautiful

Yesterday I woke up and tuned into the Today Show. I have grown up watching the Today Show, and I always love watching it!

One of the segments was with a blogger named Caitlin. She started a mission called Operation Beautiful to end the negative self-talk that girls, women, and men give themselves. She started by posting post-it notes on mirrors in bathrooms, dressing rooms, and random public places and the idea eventually spread among people who read her blog.
So now she has a separate website entirely for Operation Beautiful where you can find notes other people have posted, as well as stories of how these small notes have had a positive mark on people. Now she has a new book out, which I really want to get, and her interview inspired me to leave notes like this! I love random acts of kindness, and how much a kind word from someone else can brighten your day. So as soon as school starts back I'm going to leave some of these positive notes in random places on campus.. and maybe in the meantime somewhere nearby. :)

These are some pictures from her website of notes people have left:
I love this one on the scale!!
The place where people feel the MOST insecure about themselves.


  1. this is so great! i think i'm gonna start leaving random notes around at school too! =)

  2. Im your newest follower :)
    and this is a great idea! we need to boost more self esteem in this world :)
