Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I like to think I'm not the only one who has fallen off the blogging bandwagon lately, because I hate that I never find time to post anymore. Blogging used to be my outlet. I looked forward to sitting down and writing my posts, reading other people's blogposts, and I spent a ridiculous amount of time brainstorming new ideas for posts.

I feel like too often my excuse is "I'm so busy" or "I don't have time." That isn't exactly a lie, I really am busy with school and work, and life itself. But, when it comes down to it, I could make the time to sit down and post.. it's just it's the last thing I want to do with my spare time these days. And that makes me sad.

So I'm back.. in an effort to fall in love with blogging again, and hopefully find myself wanting to make time for it again. I want to be able to have these days documented in posts for my little future self.. because there's nothing I love more than looking back on old blog posts and seeing how much I have changed.

December was a busy month for me, as I'm sure it was for many of you.
I completed my first semester of pharmacy school, surviving finals week was a success in and of itself, and then spent all but a few days of Christmas break working-- splitting my time between a slew of monogram orders and earning some pharmacy intern hours. Christmas was an absolute blessing, and so very needed. I enjoyed spending time at home with my family more than anything.


I loved catching up with some of my sweet friend's to celebrate a birthday.. with some good food and a much-needed night on the town. (Oh how I had missed Athens!)

 And cuddles with my sweet Millie were not in short supply. She was my little shadow while I was home and followed me everywhere. :)

 But of course, all good things must come to an end. Back to the grind of school, but honestly? I was kind of getting ready to head back. It's time to knock out another semester and be one step closer to my dream job. Work work work!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

All the best,


  1. We've missed you! Glad you are back! :)

  2. I just love seeing pictures of your little Millie. Such a cutie!

  3. So glad you are back! Love your matching pjs :)

  4. I'm glad you had a good Christmas and New Year, Leslie! I'm glad you're back blogging too :] I totally get the divide between when we spent all our spare time blogging and now trying to motivate ourselves to use our spare time blogging. I'm committing to blogging more this year and focusing on using it as a place for reflection instead of getting caught up with all the nonsense that usually comes with it. Here's to a year of more writing!

  5. Missy, if only you were the only one. I'm ready to be back too. Blogging will resume now.

  6. I hope you are back for good! I've missed you!

    And serious congrats on a semester down. I can imagine how hard it is (having taken similar classes) and I know you can do it!

  7. I've missed your posts! :) I am glad December was good to you and congrats on finishing your 1st semester of pharm school!

  8. I miss having the urge to blog myself. :(. Hopefully I'll get back at it one day! Glad to see a post from you! I've always enjoyed reading your blog!

  9. Wish you a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year too.
