Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What I'm Loving!

I'm linking up with sweet Jamie today for What I'm Loving Wednesday!! 

Today I'm loving...

[one.]- That I finally broke down and ordered some Chacos, and they're arriving today. (I may or may not have been stalking the "track my shipment" button...) The zappos app on the iphone is AMAZING. Get it.

[two.]- Friday I'll be heading down to see Sarah!! :) We have our Bridesmaids Dress Fitting Saturday morning and I'm so stinking excited.

us when we were little... just for kicks and giggles.

[three.]- My Twenties Blog is BACK and in full swing, with a fabulous week of giveaways. If you haven't checked it out yet... what are you waiting for?! Get over there and enter.


and now I'm off to digest this news that Miley Cyrus is engaged to Liam Hemsworth. 

This really bothers me for some reason...
share your thoughts.

AND what you're loving of course ;)


  1. Wellllll I didn't know anything about the engagement till just now, and I know absolutely nothing about the Mr. But, of course, I have an opinion anyway. If young marriages tend to be trickier, and celebrity marriages tend to fail, why would you get married when you're both a celebrity and barely old enough to drink? I'd advise her to wait it out a bit... but that's just me. :)

  2. That engagement is kind of upsetting! He's so hot! Ha! But i highly doubt it'll last...

  3. I watched an interview with Miley recently and like her so much better now. She actually seems pretty down to earth! She is awfully young though...

  4. I think Miley's grown up the past year or so, and it may be bc of Liam, but I think she still has plenty of growing up to do.

  5. Oh he could do so much better. I've never really cared for her... all her cries for attention. And her mouth bugs me.

    I totally arlaedy entered the giveaway on yalls blog!! *fingers crossed*

  6. What?! I thought that was a rumor!

  7. hi! stopping over from all in your 20s blog! i love that idea! signed up to follow your blog as well! i cannot believe she is engaged. all i have to say is i hope shes ready to be divorced in a few years...shes only 19 she has NO idea about anything. she isnt even grown up herself. but then again people w money ruin the true meaning of marriage.


  8. I have no idea why, but Miley being engaged is weirding me out too. She's too much of a hot mess for marriage.

  9. I HATE that they are engaged. I mean she's 19!!! That is so YOUNG!! Why are so many people getting married young now? I'm 23 almost 24 and I can barely handle the idea of marriage!

  10. He is way too cute for her!! She is weird and obnoxious. And I just want him to myself..

    But it seems like she's growing up and she has looked semi-classy lately so maybe she's heading down the right road and I will start liking her?

    But not until she gives me Liam.

  11. They are engaged??? Aren't they like, 16?? Haha

  12. I just found out about the engagement's deeply upsetting. Not because I don't like Miley but because Liam is so perfect and I want him for myself haha love your blog :)

  13. Um, yes I find this engagement upsetting for whatever reason too. Something just not right...! Love those Chaco's!!

  14. He is sooo HOT and I just cant stand her!!

  15. He is sooo HOT and I just cant stand her!!

  16. i don't feel like miley is mature enough to be getting married... but what do i know? she is looking ridiculously thin, too...

  17. I'm not a Miley fan whatsoever, plus she's too young to be getting married!
