Friday, June 22, 2012

Can I redo MY Senior Year.... Please?

So yesterday I got to see my sister's Senior Portraits that she had taken over the weekend... (which I blogged about here.) and holy smokes.

She looks so old!!! It's crazy, crazy, CRAZY. I can't get over how gorgeous they are... and I really want to redo my Senior Year of High School so I can have my senior portraits done again.. and just experience the fun festivities all over again. ;) 

SO now prepare yourself for Picture overload.. because I'm obsessed and have to show off my gorgeous little sister.

-This one is hands down my favorite-

and I'm done showing off her pictures... I can't help that I'm proud :) 

-happy friday-
TGIF this week for sure.
I thought the week would never end.
peace and love.


  1. Umm is she planning to be a model? She should consider it because these pictures are gorgeous!! I can see your fashion input too :) Beautiful

  2. Your sister is gorgeous! And so are you, by the way! Have a great weekend!

  3. Gorgeous portraits!! We only had one wearing like a black drape and our cap/gown.

  4. Gorgeous! We did not do portraits like that when I graduated LOL! She looks like a model!

  5. Those are gorgeous. She is stunning.

  6. love the pictures! So fun and different from the typical and boring high school shoot!

  7. So pretty! Looks like she takes after her big sis!! :)

  8. So incredibly pretty! And the outfits she picked couldn't have been more perfect.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. She is so pretty! Senior pics were SO fun!

  11. how amazing! She should be a model! Love her little cowgirl-ish outfit!

  12. These are fantastic photos!!! Love them all. Wish mine looked like this back then.

  13. These are awesome! I keep thinking of my awful senior pictures (it was only like 7 years ago!!) She's SO pretty!

  14. Wow she could be a model..seriously! GREAT pics!

  15. Gorgeous! I guess you will just need to take gorgeous pictures at the end of your senior year of college! :)

  16. Your sister looks amazing!
    I find myself wanting to redo my wedding ALL THE TIME! From the pictures (which I hate... non displayed in the house), to the dress and decor... darn pinterest!

  17. Love her pictures! She looks so pretty! P.S. Happy Blogiversary!

  18. wow i love your sister's senior year photos! absolutely gorgoues and so much variety in the photos.

  19. I graduated two years ago and miss being a Senior every single day!! Your sisters pics are gorgeous!!

  20. adorable pics! when my lil sis graduated, i was totally envious of how cute her pics turned out. hmm.. i feel a "just because" shoot coming on!

  21. Your sister is gorgeous! I'm an upcoming senior in high school and I'm excited and nervous at the same time!

  22. She's so pretty! Those water shots are AMAZING!
