Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mallory's Prom

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, my little sister had her first PROM this past weekend.
yes, EASTER weekend... terrible planning. 

So I have to share with you some of the pictures. She looked so beautiful, and grown up. 

and her date was SO sweet. When he got there he said, "Mallory, you look beautiful!" So sincere... melt. my. heart.

They had a blast at Prom, but on their way home their limo broke down and the boys had to push it into a parking lot. Apparently it ran out of gas? Ill prepared. They better get some money back if you ask me ;)

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I love her dress! Sounds like she had a great time.

  2. 1. Mal looks gorgeous! And I LOVE her dress!
    2. Someone's a bozo for scheduling it Easter weekend.
    3. Sounds like an adventure with that limo!
    Glad she had fun! :)

  3. She looked gorgeous! I will forever be jealous of her hair.

  4. She looked gorgeous! And can I just say, that I love how they all wore a long dress - that's how it ought to be for prom, but that's just me! ;)

  5. Oh my gosh! That's too funny. But they'll remember it forever! The disasters are what stick, for sure, and later become funny. Such as: One of my friends took a sophomore our junior year and he was eager to impress/keep up with the older boys. He jumped out of their car at the restaurant to hold an umbrella for the rest of us ladies as we got out of a different car. We were right in front of the HUGE window of the restaurant. The wind blew his umbrella inside out and his gallant efforts were wasted as we all rushed right past him. He did get a standing ovation, though. :)

    Glad your sister had a good time! She is gorgeous!

  6. she looks so gorgeous!! sounds like her date was super sweet! hope she had a great time.

  7. She looks gorgeous! I hope she had a wonderful time at prom, aside from the limo issues. How do they let a limo run out of gas?!?!

  8. Wow, gorgeous and classic! I love that she went with an elegant dress rather than trendy or brightly colored one.

  9. Her sweet date wasn't lyin' - Mallory is stunning in that gorgeous dress. All of the girls looks beautiful & so tasteful. I hope they had a blast!

  10. Wish we had a picture of the boys pushing the limo!! ;) Everyone looked absolutely gorgeous and your sister is so beautiful! Her date seems like a sweet guy!

  11. I remember my prom, so much fun!
    She is stunning. Her dress looked beautiful on her :)

  12. Oh goodness, she is just too beautiful! Y'all look a lot alike :)

  13. oh, your sister (and all her friends too!) have such GORGEOUS dresses! love them :)

  14. Mallory looks beautiful! I miss her blog....

  15. Prom on Easter weekend?! That's ridiculous. Plus it just seems super early to have prom. Your sister is gorgeous and her dress is beautiful! I hope she had a good time! Love that picture of both you pretty girls!
