Monday, April 2, 2012

The Color Run

Friday night we headed up to Atlanta to spend the evening dining with friends at the Cheesecake Factory, and prepping for the Color Run the next morning!
It was my first time actually spending the night in Atlanta, and we had the prettiest view from our hotel window. Naturally, I took zero pictures of that. (Or of dinner) SMH.

We started off SUPER clean in our White Tee's.

and ended all colorfully. 
It was so much fun.
Basically, a giant party.
They don't call it "The Happiest 5K on the Planet" for nothing! :)

I really hope the Color Run comes back to Atlanta next year!! If it comes to your city, I highly recommend running in it. It's not timed, but it's more of an experience than anything else. 
Such a great weekend!


  1. It sounds like soooo much fun! Glad you had a great time :)

  2. Oh my gosh! This looks like a blast! I want to do this!!

  3. SO fun! I'm doing it in June - so excited!!

  4. Ive wanted to do this for such a long time!

  5. Looks like you guys had an awesome time!! I would love to do it next time/if it comes to NY!

  6. I was sooo excited you were doing this & that you blogged about it so I could hear what it's like. It's coming to Charlotte which is semi-near me and I am SO wanting to participate!!! :-) Glad you had a great time & thanks for recapping it!

  7. I'm so glad I just stumbled upon this because I just signed up for the New England race half an hour ago! I'm glad that you had such a blast! It's making me so excited!

  8. oh my gosh i'm jealous!! will definitely be on the lookout of the color run to come near me- it looks so fun!!

  9. This looks like so much fun!! I'm so glad you had such a great experience!

  10. That looks like a blast! I wanna do it now!

  11. Your like the 10th blogger I've come upon that ran in the Color Run - And I have to admit I'm super jealous of y'all!
    Guess its totally going on my goals for next year :)

  12. Way too much fun! This is something that I definitely want to do - no cities near me are participating though so looks like I will have to travel somewhere and do this next year. xo

  13. Why does some of the shirts say the color run and some don't
