Friday, January 27, 2012


OOTD challenge.
Rachel @Just Peachy tweeted a challenge this week for everyone to take OOTD pictures each day.
only, I kind of failed and only managed to get the second-half of the week photographed. Just leaving myself with room for improvement.. ;)

I'm not sure if there will be an actual link-up.. but you should totally join in the challenge!

Old Navy Dress (I can't find it online.. but it's in stores right now) & Frye Boots.
 Millie joined in for a few pictures.. pardon her dinginess ;)

gross day = patagonia, yoga pants, and crazy hair.

I feel so dumb taking pictures of myself in the mornings... so don't laugh.
Today I'm wearing an express sequin tank with a black sweater (from belk?), leggings, and boots. 
 the end.
what are your weekend plans?!


  1. I always feel awkward taking self pictures too. lol Love the outfits though, even the 2nd one! haha

  2. i think i will have to come to georgia and raid your closet! love your clothing choices =)

  3. Oh so cute! What I love is that you look comfortable in every picture. Even though it makes sense to giggle taking pictures of yourself, you really do look like you're simply comfortable and not putting yourself through painful heels or tight tops to fit some mold. Love that!

    Also, if you're up for a little freebie and paying it forward, we'd love for you to come play on See Beautiful today. We think Millie would especially love it. ;)

    Happy seeing beautiful!

  4. I love Wednesday and Fridays outfits! Too cute! You are beautiful!

  5. Your outfits are so cute! I love the pictures with your dog!

  6. Very cute outfits! Love the sparkles and your red Patagonia! Have a great weekend!

  7. Ok, I just saw that dress in ON and fell in love... but I had found some other items that were on super sale so I had to stop myself with the dress ha! You pup is precious!

    I love days when I can just wear my patagonia! Just comfy! Also, I feel SO awkward when taking pictures. I do it in my living room (best lighting and space) and I'm always afraid my roommate is going to walk in HA! that would be embarrassing! :)

  8. I love that dress and your patagonia!

  9. Cute, cute, cute! Love today's outfit :)

  10. Don't feel awkward, I think OOTD photo's are cute! I love to see everyone else's outfits, because I have to wear the same ol' thing everyday :(. Boo for work uniforms!

  11. Okay, your pictures are way better than mine. LOVE those pup pictures!!!

    Thanks for linking up! :)
