Monday, January 16, 2012

Busy Weekend!

I have had SUCH a busy weekend.
but in the good kind of busy.

Friday Night my sweet Millie pup came to my apartment to spend the night with me. I just LOVED having her company, having a dog who looks at you with such adoration is one of the "simple" things in life that I love the most! ;)

I also got around to hanging the gift Ally made me for my birthday... (yes, from back in September..) I'm terrible. BUT, now it's hung! 

AND my wonderful roommate and I decided on a whim to run out and buy ourselves a Keurig. We've been talking about how we've wanted one for months now.. and it literally happened like this:

Me: There's a ton of Keurigs for sale on Craigslist!
Her: Really?! For how much?
Me: Some are only like 60 bucks...
Her: How much is a new one again?
Me: Let's check bed, bath, and beyond...
---We check the price---
Her: With a 20% off coupon that's not bad!
Me: Uhm.... they close in 30 minutes, can we make it?!
Her: I'm throwing on my coat! LET'S GO!!!!

and 30 minutes later our apartment was blessed with this beauty...
ohhhh yeahhhh

I feel like this was a wise investment.. seeing as how our semesters are going to be CRAZY busy with school work. The good Lord above KNOWS we will be needing some caffeine!

Now we're excited to try out all of the different K-Cup flavors!
Do you have a keurig?! And if so, what is your favorite coffees for it? 
We need suggestions! 


  1. keurigs are the best investment ever! i just had my morning coffee from it. i love dunkin donuts french vanilla k-cups and they even make starbucks brands!

  2. Oohh, I like breakfast blend and donut shop!! And donut shop doesn't have too much caffeine in it so it won't keep you up too late at night...And the chai tea is good too! :)

  3. yay yay yay!! I LOVE mine... I am not kidding when I tell you I took it to GA with me when we went for Thanksgiving. I'm obsessed. ;) My favorites are the green mountain brand mountain blueberry and mocha nut fudge!

  4. How fun! I just broke my coffee pot the other day, and was wondering if I should buy a replacement, or just go ahead and take the plunge and get a Keurig :-) I've wanted one for awhile! Once you've had it for awhile, you'll have to let us know how you like it :-)

  5. oh awesome! that's the keurig i have and i LOVE it!!!

    you need to go on the keurig website and register it, they will send you a coupon code in your email for buy 2 get two boxes free..i literally JUST did that an hour ago and ended up getting 97 k-cups for only 29 cannot beat that deal!

    i love the apple cider, white hot chocolate, green mountain breakfast blend, foldgers caramel drizzle, millstone hazelnut cream

  6. We have a Keuring and love it! I'm not good at picking out coffee so my hubby does it :) Some of my faves he's gotten are Donut Shop, Green Mountain Hazlenut, and hot chocolate are some of my faves!

    Oh and your bed looks so comfy!

  7. OMG, Millie has to be the cutest pup ever :).

  8. Love the frame your friend made you! :)

  9. I got my keurig for my birthday this August and love it! Green Mountain Blueberry, Wolf Gang Puck Coconut, and Chocolate Rasberry Truffle are my favorite K-Cups. I recommend getting the My K Cup brewer. It allows you to brew your own coffee which is a lot cheaper if you drink coffee more than once a day. I got mine from this website

  10. your pup is sooo cute! Make me miss mine! Love the frame too!
