Wednesday, November 9, 2011

So over it.

School is sucking the life out of me. 
I don't have time to blog anymore... :(
and all I want to do in my free time is nap.
Where are you Thanksgiving Break?!?!?!?!

Only a few more weeks though.. I can make it! 
I miss reading your posts.. and I promise to back on my A-game during Thanksgiving! #cantwait
Here's some pictures from my weekend:
We watched the Alabama vs. LSU game and I got to see my sweet friend Taylor who I hadn't seen since my bday! :)
We hung out with the crazy boys.. 
And then we headed downtown to meet up with some of our friends!

Now time to get back to the books!
Hope you ladies are having a fantastic week!


  1. I feel the same way about my work! All I do is work! When I'm not at work I am working at home! I'm so ready for a break! Hope your doing well!

  2. I am totally on the same page as you Leslie!!! My weeks are full of schoolwork and there's no time to blog! But, somehow I've manage/procrastinated homework enough to squeeze out a few lame posts lol. Hope you have an awesome rest of the week!!!!! :)

  3. I am feeling the same way! I just turned in 3 papers today..totally over 40 pages! Hope everything lightens up for you soon!

  4. Thanksgiving break means.... I get to meet you!!!

  5. oh hey, that sounds like my life. School has taken over. :(

    And I still need to come visit...just don't know when...

  6. Cute pictures. I know what you mean about school. I've been there. Just power through!

  7. I feel the same way! I'm so sick of school!

  8. I can't wait for Thanksgiving break too! I need some time to relax!
