Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wish I Would Have Known...

I recently came across this textbook site..
and I really wish I would have known about it BEFORE the semester started!
It's Campus Book Rentals [dot] com.
Textbooks can get SO expensive, so renting is always such a great alternative.. WHEN you can find your book in a store that offers the "rent" option on textbooks.

One of my concerns about getting books online is that I'll end up getting the wrong book before my class starts and be stuck.. but with Campus Book Rentals you have 30 days to return your book if you need to!

The great thing about this company is that they not only have great prices for their Rented Textbooks.. but they also support Operation Smile. 
Operation smile is an organization that provides lip cleft surgeries for children whose families are unable to afford it. So far they've changed 1,000 children's lives.. and for every textbook you rent, a donation is made to this project. 

So next semester, and even this semester, when you need to purchase a textbook.. Definitely keep this company in mind! It's always a wonderful thing to help someone... so why not use a textbook purchase to do it too! 


  1. I have used this site all through college! Love it!

  2. I used Chegg the last couple semesters, they didn't have all the books I needed but the majority. I'll keep this in mind for any more college classes and pass it along to others!

  3. This is what I used this semester, I was so happy w/ them. Got my books super fast!!

  4. I'll have to share this with my hubby. I love your new blog background! Did you get it done professionally?

  5. I have never heard of this site before! Thanks for sharing! I'll have to check it out next time I need a textbook! :)

  6. Another you can use is also directtextbooks.com because it searches over 200+ websites for new,used, rental and ebooks. I have saved so much money using that website!

  7. Wow, thanks for sharing this! I'll have to try it next semester. My cousin had a baby in February who was born with cleft lip/cleft palate, so Operation Smile is a cause that's very near and dear to my heart!
