Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We're on a First Name Basis..

That's right friends.
We met Ben Rector at the concert the other night... AND we got our picture with him AND a signed tour poster AND we were two people from touching the stage AND he may just replace my love for John Mayer. 

I had to work until 7 the night of the concert.. so we weren't able to head to Atlanta until later.. and we were a little late getting there. HOWEVER, Benny had not stepped out on stage yet, and I was determined to push our way to the front. Friends, we made it. Check this beauty out: 

He stole my heart. Too bad he had a wedding band on his left hand. :(
He was absolutely incredible.. and the venue was amazing. It was so intimate.. I definitely want to go to some more concerts there soon!

I just wish our picture with him could've turned out a LITTLE better.. but we had sweated through a concert at this point in the night.. rubbing elbows with folks we didn't know.. so I'll take it.

and we got a picture with the band. holllaaaaaa.

We got a little lost on our way there.. and on our way back. but all in all.. it was a blast! I just love concerts!!


  1. Oh my gosh, how exciting Leslie!! I just left you an award on my blog because I just LOVE your blog! Congrats!

  2. SO FUN!!! He is coming with needtobreathe in November! I need to check out his music!
