Thursday, July 21, 2011

I Just Loooove Surprise Parties!!

Poor Mal had cheerleading practice and then work yesterday on her birthday.
So she thought we weren't going to do anything special, other than go out to dinner with just our family. 
Little did she know....
We had been planning a Surprise Party!
  We loaded up her friends in the suburban and went to pick her up from work at 6!
They hid in the very back, so when she got in she wouldn't see them. Several minutes after she got in the car they all popped out and surprised her! She was so surprised! 
 Then we gave her 20 minutes to change and headed to the Cheesecake Factory in the ATL!
 We had a great time! And I have a new favorite cheesecake now.. I ordered the White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle.. To. Die. For. It was sooo good! And I've definitely gained back every pound I lost during my wisdom teeth removal last night. (but it was definitely worth it!)

 here's a pic of our family before we left:

and this one I just thought was cute! I love candid shots: 

Mallory definitely had a great 16th birthday! And we had so much fun planning it! 
Now she is officially a licensed driver... I can't believe it!

Hope y'all are having a great Thursday!!


  1. Awww how sweet!! She looks so surprised :) That was really nice of y'all.

    Happy birthday!!

  2. surprises are so much fun!! your sister's smile is the cutest :)

  3. Looks like a great time! How sweet of ya'll to surprise her!

  4. I love that you surprised her!! Mmmm I love the Cheesecake Factory, now you have me craving it :)

    I'm new to blogging and would love if you would stop by for a visit!

  5. What a fun surprise! Glad she had a wonderful sweet 16th birthday!
