Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer Reads

Blogging in the Summer is really hard.
My brain doesn't feel like thinking.. so I don't come up with great blogposts. And on top of that.. I don't really do much that IS interesting enough to share with you.
Basically, over the last week I've been reading my tail off.. and if you've noticed I've added a Reading List tab at the top of my page to link you to a page of the books I've read this year.

If you're like me and LOVE to read.. make sure you check out The Hunger Games series. My sweet friend Melissa told me about them and I can't get enough! I'm waiting on the third one to make it to my library. 

I also love reading books that you sweet bloggers suggest, because we all seem to have similar taste! I've finally made it through the last list I was recommended.. and I have a few more on my nightstand. But I'm ready for more recommendations! Send them my way so I can have a lengthy pile of books to read!

What are some of your favorite reads this summer?


  1. I love reading, too! I just finished Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen and it was great! I highly suggest it. Especially if you like sad, sweet, romantic stories!

    P.S I am your newest follower and love your blog!


  2. I looove reading too! I'm reading Remember right now from Karen Kingbury's redemption series--ahh so good!!! I'm definitely going to check out your reading tab and get some good ideas!

  3. Im reading American Wife. Fabulous!

  4. Just checked out your list. If you've never read Jodi Picoult before, prepare to fall in love!!!!

  5. I really really really want to read Hunger Games! I've heard so much about it. You may have just given me motivation to go to B&N.


  6. I love that picture!!
    Reading is amazing. I can't wait to read books that I'm actually choosing to read and not what I have to read! :)

  7. I will definitely be checking out the hunger games! I love that we share a love of reading- I know exactly how you feel about summer blogging though. That is why we need fall to get here soon! Happy reading!

  8. Oh I just love reading, especially in the summertime! I've read a lot of great books recently, "The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes" by Diane Chamberlain, "American Wife", and right now I'm reading The Bride Quarter series by Nora Roberts. I will have to check out your reading tab to see what you've read!

  9. hunger games are next for me!! i've loved the help and the girl with the dragon tattoo series.

  10. I love your reading list, I may just have to copy!! I have read/want to read soo many on that list!! Oh and I LOVE The Hunger Games, I need to get the second one...actually I may order it right now! I'm currently reading love the one you're with by Emily Griffin but just finished Heaven is for Real - very interesting and super quick read if you're interested in religion, etc.

  11. Some good reads! But I am such a clacker blogger in the summer, I can't think of anything creative to write about!

  12. I'm ALMOST done with The Hunger Games!!! Honestly, it wasn't as good as I had hoped :( I know there are ALOOTTTTTT of people who lOVEDDDDD it, and maybe it was because of that I had ridiculously high expectations. I would go on to read book 2 and 3 too though.
    You should check out "The White Woman on the Green Bicycle". It's not that famous but I LOVED IT. Oh and of course, The Help!!! BEst book EVERRR :)

    Belly B :)

  13. I have heard SO much blog/twitter talk about the hunger games lately! I am a little apprehensive about them..the summaries just doesn't seem like my normal read. but I may have to give it a chance...
