Wednesday, June 22, 2011


It's Wednesday! So Go Link up with Jamie for WILW! 
Today I'm loving...
That tonight as soon as my parents get off work we're going to pick up my NEW CAR!! 

That we had a wonderful time in SSI visiting with my grandmother, and Millie loooved running on the beach! She yelped with joy when we took her out there, I'll add some pictures soon!
We've been couponing, and Special K cereal is finally back on the BOGO cycle at Publix. Simple things in life make me happy! And this weeks BOGO items are all amazing

I'm loving my beautiful family. I am so blessed to have such sweet and incredible parents, and a sister who blows me away with her kindness on a daily basis. 

Yesterday was my blogaversary! :) I can't believe I've already had my blog for a year, I love the blogging world and how incredible every one of you is! You have really made this last year so inspiring, and make me feel better when I'm having a rough day. Thanks for making blogging so special!

What are you loving today?!
Go link up with Jamie and share it with us!


  1. Isn't it crazy how couponing/sale shopping can totally change your life? I know my fiance used to get SO MAD because I wouldn't buy something because it wasn't on sale!

  2. I love couponing as well, especially BOGO! And the fact that you have a store that does that with Special K makes me jealous! And Happy Blogaversary! :)

  3. Can't wait to see the new ride!!

    Happy Blogaversary!! :)

  4. Thanks for playing along!

    Love your loves :) Happy blogaversary!

  5. Can't wait to see your new car! Happy Blogaversary!!!

  6. New car= So exciting!

    Happy Blog Anniversary! :)

  7. Your new car is very cute! Love it! Happy Blogaversary!!

  8. Happy Blogaversary to you!! That's awesome!

  9. Congrats on the blogaversary!

  10. Your family is adorbs and happy blogoversary!
