Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Think My Heart Just Melted...

I've been absent from blogger the past few days, I've been dealing with some serious girl issues.. and there may be a post to come. It's pretty humorous.. but I'm debating on whether or not to post about it.. we shall see.

BUT, on another note.. 
I saw this sweet video on facebook today, and my heart is just so warm. I want a video like this of me and my future husband! It's so sweet! Take a looksie and let me know what you think!

Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!!


  1. Now that you told us, you have to blog about it!

  2. Hope the girl issues aren't too bad. :)

    LOVE LOVE that video! SOO sweet!

  3. I think this is just the sweetest video!

    And the girl issues?! Now you've left us wondering what it is!

  4. Please tell!!

    I LOVE this video. It is so precious! I even caught myself getting emotional! :)

  5. Seriously? Melt my heart. I cried. I'm such a baby1

  6. okay, now you have to share your issues! ;)

    and that video is precious. love it!

  7. AH I saw that video a while ago and just cried by eyes out.. it's so sweet!

    & now you have to share your story haha ;-)

  8. yep you gotta share your story! I hope you are okay!!!

  9. I love this video...I've seen it before! I think it is literally the sweetest thing everrrr!

  10. This is seriously the cutest, sweetest thing I've ever seen! Made me cry

  11. Ok, the video made me cry. I'm getting married soon, so I couldn't help it.

    I blame the hormones.
