Thursday, May 19, 2011

Move Out Day!

Today I officially moved out of my apartment at school,
it was bittersweet.. and I tried not to think about the fact that I won't be returning to school there in the fall. 

I had already moved the majority of my stuff home (I thought), but you sure can cram a lot of crap into those shoebox size bedrooms! Luckily, Ally & sweet Mallory came along to help me! And by the end of it, the suburban was loaded to the rim!

Since I took a picture at the beginning of move in day each year, I figured I should do the same for move out day ;) So pardon my dorky-ness

After we finished moving me out, we hit up Gustavos.. the local pizza place that is AMAZING. Got our bellies full of garlic cheese rolls, a slice of kitchen sink pizza, and rolled out of D-Town to head home. 

 Now I'm excited to start planning my room and apartment for next year! I can't wait for a fresh start, and the great memories that await! (okay, that was cheesy.. but you get the point.. I'M EXCITED!)

Hope you've all had a wonderful Thursday! I swear this week has FLOWN by!


  1. Congrats!!! I am sure you will have a even better time next year!

  2. I have been living at my apartment almost three years and will prob move out in Aug...I know I will be so sad!

  3. You are so cute! I bet you are excited for Georgia!!!!

  4. I forgot your transferring next year. It's always hard to leave, but I think you have even more exciting things in store next year :)

  5. Congrats!! cute picture :) and that pizza looks so good!


  6. I'm in the same boat! Planning my house for the fall :) Its so fun

  7. I know that you are so excited to start something new!

  8. Congratulations!! Super exciting, scary, and sad at the same time!

  9. I love moving to new places and planning how you are going to not cheesy! :] That pizza looks delicious. Hope you have a great weekend! Absolutely love your blog.

  10. congrats on starting the next chapter!

  11. I'm always so sentimental with stuff like this too, but you are going to have such a great, new start in Athens this fall!

  12. Congratulations!! And that pizza looks amazing...making my mouth water.
