Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!
I wish each and every one of you a wonderful day filled with love

And to all my fellow single ladies out there.. go buy yourself some chocolate, treat yourself to a delicious dinner, paint your nails, and watch the Bachelor! ;)
(that's what I'll be doing! haha)

Much Love,


  1. Now that sounds like a perfect day!! Just about what I will be doing!

  2. haha that sounds perfect :)
    Happy Valentines Day to you too (:

  3. Happy valentines day again!
    I'll be doing about the same girl except i'll be divulging in yummy treats while watching the bachelor since im gonna have my nails painted and getting yummy dinner on the 'rents before bachelor haha! I made sure reservations are EARLY , yes i schedule my life around the bachelor haha :) XX

  4. Love those cute pictures! Happy Valentine's Day and SPOIL yourself! :)

  5. yes BACHELOR!
    and i bought myself a gift- brown TOMS
    and to add to the loveliness of this day- the sunshine is out in all it's glory!
    hope your day is grand !

  6. Happy Valentines Day!

    Sounds like a good plan!

  7. You are so cute and are going to make some gentleman extremely happy someday soon! Enjoy your chocolate tonight and the Bachelor! I think that sounds like a fantastic way to spend today!

    Lots of love!

  8. Happy Valentine's Day Leslie! I can't believe I've been gone for a week. I've missed ya'll and I am glad to be back

  9. Happy Valentine's Day~ I totally made Red Velvet Cupcakes and plan on curling up with them and the Bachelor tonight...perfect V-day evening for me :)

  10. watching the bachelor tonight too!

  11. Happy Valentine's Day! I love the picture of the doll's hands!

  12. I hope you had a great Valentine's day!

  13. Sounds like a wonderful Valentine's Day to me!! I had many of those before I was married! I painted my nails today, too! Hot pink, of course!!

  14. Happy Valentines Day! I did just what you a manicure, watched the bachelor, ate some chocolate!! : )
