Saturday, February 19, 2011

Anyone Remember Myspace?

Ohhh the days of Myspace.
I was reminiscing through old myspace pictures today.. basically a summary of my high school years. There were the awkward kissy faces to mask the ugliness of braces, and the blonde highlighted hair. I tried reading the wall posts and they make ZERO sense because they're so full of inside jokes. 

Here's a few pictures from the myspace years, don't laugh too hard. ;)

kissy face + psychadelic photo effect= tons of myspace picture comments! 

You might recognize this next girl, Meredith from Love, Life, & Dessert
side swept bangs + kissy faces = cutest chicks on myspace ;)
These last two are from the "later" myspace years.. so they aren't really funny. I just can't believe how much I've changed since this pictures!

My hair was not colored in this picture.. and I can't get over how blonde it got that summer!! 
PROM junior year

The funniest thing about signing back on myspace is seeing that people STILL get on and update stuff... uhh.. myspace is old news folks. I thought had made the change to facebook! haha

I also used to have a Xanga.. and I updated that blog everyday with boring high school drama and icons on the reg. I just HATE that I deleted it, it would be so much entertainment now! 

Did any of y'all have Xanga's or remember the Myspace days?


  1. How funny! I got on Myspace some back in the day! I don't think I ever deleted it but I haven't checked it in years!

  2. this is HILARIOUS! love it. wish i remembered my log in info...i would love to look back at mine

  3. hahah yes definitely had one. but deleted it once I got facebook! I did use to go on every now and then and look up some new music but I haven't been on in a few years!
    and wow you have changed, you def look older now (duh!) ahah

  4. wow. i'm doing this for my next post. that is HILARIOUS.

  5. So funny! I never had a MySpace or a Xanga. I know a lot of my friends did, but I just never jumped on that bandwagon.

  6. Oh, Leslie! This is one of my favorite posts ever! Hahahaha! I wonder if I ever deleted mine? I'll have to go and check!!

  7. Oh my gosh that is too funny!!! I am going to have to check mine now!

  8. oh my gosh, myspace was THE thing, I would change my layout like every other day (and I have to try really hard not to do that to my blog too!) LOVE the kissy faces, I have no clue why we thought that was cool!

  9. Oh gosh I remember the Myspace & Xanga days!! Sadly, I deleted both...I could so make fun of myself now!

  10. ahahaha!!such sweet pics!!i went back into myspace after i found your blog!i may have had no kissy faces but it was sure nothing near to what i'm like today!!
    your blog is great!
    visit my page if you like !would be happy to see you!

  11. oh man.. i definitely remember taking those pumpkin patch pics! haha i have countless pics of you and i and the ever popular kissy face! lol i could do a whole post on THAT alone!
