Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Facebook Free!

I never thought I'd do it..
but I did.
I deactivated my facebook..
and I've made it a full week.

I was a facebook addict.

I'm talking.. 
I stalked. I would get on when I was bored and all of a sudden an hour later I was still facebooking. It was ridiculous.

So I made the decision to deactivate after some things happened that made me upset...
I got sick of the drama facebook causes, I need to concentrate on my schoolwork and improve my grades this semester instead of keeping up with who is hanging out with who, and no one really writes you anymore it seems like. They just stalk everyone.

So I deactivated.. and I haven't missed it one bit!
(okay that's a lie.. I have missed being able to click through old pictures on there.. but other than that I  haven't missed it)

But overall.. It was liberating! haha
I've gotten to where I love blogger so much.. I've met so many awesome people in this neat online community! And I couldn't be happier! I love reading ya'lls sweet emails.. they always brighten my day!
And I know I'll probably go back to facebook in a month or two.. but for the time being It's nice to have a break. :)

Sorry for the boring post.. 
but if you want to see something exciting ENTER MY poo-pourri giveaway!! Click HERE.

Hope ya'll are having a great tuesday!


  1. I give you major credit! I have tried to deactivate mine, many times! I always reactivate it with in like 3 days, because I can't stand not knowing what's going on! But, you are SO right about the DRAMA part!! Someone people just post WAY WAY too much stuff on FB!!

  2. Congrats!!! I didn't have facebook all through high school because of the drama. I finally got it last april before I transferred colleges. I really like it now and its a great way to stay in touch with all those people. Whats nice is since I've had it for less than a year I'm actually friends with the people I actually know not 2000 random people. Good for you and enjoy blogging I love it!!!

  3. You go girl! I give you MAJOR PROPS :) Facebook can be so addicting, but since I have started my blog.. I have found blogger to be my worst addiction haha.

  4. I cannot believe you and Ally are off facebook! I'm way too addicted to deactivate, plus being membership and in charge of recruitment requires me to stalk! I give you major props even though I think y'all are nuts :) (in a loving way of course)

  5. Facebook is something else , ive been known to be all in the hoopla too , lots of drama whew. sometimes people use it for the wrong thing. Its suppose be used to keep in touch with people not create drama and crap. You go girl for going facebook free. blogger is definately better i think because i've met so many great girls obv one being you of course! now blogger is my addiction ha ha or might be a tie with twitter ! I'm proud of you though! Perhaps, i'll go facebook free soon since im reorganizing my life trying to keep positive and do away with negative! Have a terrific Tuesday!!!!


  6. Oh honey I SORT of did the same thing! My husband and I combined our accounts and ONLY added friends that are our very best friends since both of us HATE talking on the phone! But I am so proud of you! It's almost like going without your cell phone- at first it's the weirdest feeling but after you do it for a while you realize how little you really need your phone (I know very few people will agree with me) but either way, I'm so proud of you-you are a changing woman! :)

  7. question : if you deactivate it, can it be reactivated at anytime and all your stuff will still be there?

  8. Nice! I deactivated mine a long time ago too. I was tired of that being the only communication. The people who really matter will be around!

  9. That is amazing that you deactivated and have kept it up! I don't know if I would be that strong!

  10. girl, i totally hear ya! being facebook free must be awesome. i wish i could take that step :)

  11. I haven't deactivated my account but I did make it part of my new years resolution to not make facebook my number one priority. It's sad to say that at one point it definitely turned into my obsession. Now I only get on about once a week. I have more time to play with my son, spend time in God's word, and spend time with my loving husband. I'm so proud of you! Hope you're having a great Tuesday!

  12. Wow...good for you!! I have never had any drama on facebook, thank goodness! I would definitely pick blogger over facebook though!

  13. I tried to be rid of it!! LOL I made it for a whole 4 days then reactivated my page....first I had art teachers trying to contact me or ask where my pictures went that they wanted to refer to so that wasn't going to work :( ha... I'm not on it as much as I was...I def felt like you...I was on it way to mUCH sulking around with free time.....I was never 100% hooked on the book...I miss myspace! Music players pretty backgrounds..>I think thats why I love blogger so much..

  14. Wooo-wee! Kudos to you, hun! I couldn't deactivate FB, but I don't think I'm too addicted, thank goodness. I was with MySpace. Good job though, I'm proud of ya!

  15. Good for you!! Since I started blogging I have totally stopped checking Facebook!!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. That's great girl! Facebook does cause a lot of drama....why can't we live like that did back in the old days when they didn't have Facebook?!

  18. I am SO proud of you! After a month or two, i seriously doubt you'll go back! Blogger really is so much better! =)) yay leslie!

  19. Good for you! FB definitely can be a big time waster! I love that it lets me keep in contact with my friends and family that live far away, but I know I'd be so much more productive without it most days.
