Monday, December 20, 2010

Nights of Lights!

Wow.. I let my blogging get away from me for a few days!
And Honestly, I don't even know what I've been doing! This time of year is just hectic I guess.
But I can tell you Ally and I have been doing a LOT of this...
I have an impressive collection of Sonic Holiday peppermints in my car right now from our 10,000,000 trips! And let me just say.. I wish they had frequent customer little punch cards because I would be earning a TON of free stuff.

Last night me, my friend PT, Ally, and Caleb all went to Lake Lanier's magical nights of lights. They have 7 miles of lights.. and it's pretty impressive. And PT's mom works there so we got in for free.. otherwise it would have been 60 bucks. Ridiculous! So we are VERY thankful we didn't have to pay!
At the end there's a gift shop with the most beautiful Christmas Trees.. and I got my mama THE Cutest ornament.. I need to take a picture of it.

And then today.. Mama, Mal and I went to Trader Joe's, Earthfare, and Yoforia because mama wanted to see what they were all about. We got some pretty cool stuff to try out over the holidays.. and that peanut butter frozen yogurt I got from yoforia was THE BOMB.

Then we came home.. and I cleaned and went to my room to put something away and saw this little precious thing curled up in my snuggie:
How sweet is she?!

That's all for now.. I'm hoping to squeeze in a quick nap before heading to Grayson's to watch the Sing Off tonight!

Hope ya'll are having a calm and stress free Monday before Christmas ;)


  1. your pup is so cute! and I love that pink coat you have on!

  2. I love your boots!!! Where did you get them??? They are really cute!

  3. OMG I agree with the Sonic thing. We should petition for a punch card for their drinks! I love the ocean water drinks!

  4. That made me giggle... that you'd earn a ton of free stuff if they had punch cards! Hahahah!

    I LOVE Christmas lights. Matt and I went the other day, but we had Starbucks :) Last year I made gingerbread cookies and hot chocolate, but Starbucks was faster lol.

    And yes, do post a picture of the ornament! What's it look like?

    Glad you're enjoying yoursslf and the holidays :)

  5. I just love looking at Christmas much fun! LOVE your pink jacket...where did you get it?

  6. I HAVE A MALTESE!!!!!! They are great cuddlers :) love it!

    And girlfriend, I couldn't agree with you more. My blogging has gotten away from me, but i'm just like how?! It is most certainly this time of year.

    You look beautiful in your pics btw :)
