Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm linking up again with Jamie @ This Kind of Love for What I'm loving Wednesday!
1. I'm loving the new Zac Brown Band song, "As She's Walking Away"

2. I'm loving that it's FINALLY getting cool enough to wear sweaters and scarves!
3. I'm loving that tonight is the Annual KD shakedown on campus. It is an intense dance competition between sororities and fraternities on campus, and the BIGGEST event on campus each year. My sweet roomie Emily is gonna ROCK it tonight! I can't wait to go watch and be envious of all of the people who can actually dance.. while I just dream! :)
4. I'm loving that this weekend I'm getting to go to another UGA game with ST, CAT, and Ally. I'm meeting ST's parents.. big step! Pretty exciting! :)

and lastly... I'm LOVING that it's wednesday and the week is half over!
Hope ya'll are having a wonderful wednesday!


  1. please post a video of this dance off!!
    so excited for you & ST. he looks like a cutie!

  2. Thanks for playing along!

    I just love scarves too :)

    Have FUN meeting his parents! How exciting!

  3. that zac brown band song is GREAT! i love scarfs so yay for cold weather! and good luck meeting the parents , that is a big deal :)

  4. yesss, i busted out a scarf today- loveee the crisp air we have right now!
    sounds like you have an exciting weekend planned...have fun meeting the parents :)

  5. I love that it is turing into scarf weather as well! Have fun!

  6. Good Luck meeting the parents! I know that's scary! :)
