Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Emily!!!

Today is our roommate Emily's birthday, and since we were all heading home for the weekend, Ally and I decided to decorate the apartment and celebrate yesterday. We painted a banner for her and hung it in the living room.. and then hit up the dollar tree for some birthday balloons and crepe paper. She LOVED it. And me and Ally had so much fun putting it all up.
In the midst of putting the decorations up.. I ran into my bedroom to grab the camera for some pictures of the surprise! We had JUST gotten all of the crepe paper taped up all OVER the room.. strung from wall to wall and twisted so beautifully. To get it to do right we ended up taping it to the fan.. well I left Ally alone for 30 seconds and I hear yelling "LESLIE!! COME HERE QUICK!! QUICK!!" she had accidentally turned the fan on and it was ripping our beautiful streamers down.. I walk in while Ally is trying to hold on to the fan blades to keep them from spinning. It. was. hilarious. But we got it all fixed and Emily was totally surprised! She loved it!
We love you mLe!! Happy Birthday!


  1. awh i love the birthday sign! the handwriting is really cute! =)

  2. Awww what sweet roomies :) It looked super cute!

  3. hahaha! i love that you added that story about the fan. i laughed out loud as i read it bahaha
