Thursday, August 26, 2010

Low Country Boil

Tonight Phi Mu and Sigma Chi hosted a Low Country Boil on our campus drill field. It was so much fun, and the weather was just right! And the food... DELICIOUS! :)
I thought the table arrangements were adorable
All the food!
My plate.
My bff & roomie Emily and me.
All of the Roomies!
Hometown girlies.
Well thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! I've had about all I can handle this week! :) Now time to go for a quick run and then attack the homework.


  1. Yum! I love a good low country boil :) Y'all just look too cute in your dresses and skirts!

  2. I LOVE your skirt and that is the CUTEST little themed party/event. I'm super jealous! OH and I'll have to email you about my other FREAK OUT moment! :)
