When the semester starts to draw to a close I always go through such a mixture of emotions.
Disbelief, because it always seems to go by so fast.
Stress, because there's not much time left to bring up those grades... and they usually ride on that last final.
Happiness, because Christmas and being home with my family is in SIGHT.
and finally...
Exhaustion, because sleep is limited.. and coffee is brewing constantly.
The past few weeks have been insanely busy, and I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to a little relaxation over Christmas break. I need it.
I'm ready for a little spare time.
Time to get some blog posts done.
Time to catch up on reading other people's blog posts.
Time to READ some books.
Time to satisfy my new addiction to Grey's Anatomy. (Netflix is dangerous.)
but right now, I'm thankful for all of my sweet friendships who keep me going each week.
My amazing coworkers who make me laugh, and keep work so entertaining.
Twinkling Christmas lights, and decorations.
and Surprise "just because" flower deliveries from a special person. ;)
He's a keeper.
Good luck to all of you with your finals!
and to all of you lucky ducks who don't have to take finals anymore.... get lots of sleep and have lazy couch potato nights for those of us who can't. ;)